Saturday, May 4, 2024
HomeАНТИСТРЕСШтосно(Фото) Дани е “човек дрво” за кој лудуваат жените низ целиот свет

(Фото) Дани е “човек дрво” за кој лудуваат жените низ целиот свет

Дани Џонс е новата ѕвезда на интернет, особено кај женската популација.


Поради својата височина (висок е 2 метри) го нарекуваат “Човекот дрво.”


Hope everyone’s having a great Memorial Day Weekend!

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Дени е професионален фитнес тренер, а порано тој бил пожарникар.


А здрав начин на живот е она во кое верува Џонс, а неговите следбеници знае да ги израдува со некоја добра фотографија. Има преку 500 илјади следбеници на Инстаграм.


If you have trouble growing your legs, read below! . I used to be THAT guy. I could bench press over 400lbs and curl my way to the moon, but NEVER worked out my legs. Hadn’t done a squat since freshman year of high school (not joking) . I was always really skinny growing up and all I cared about was getting big arms, a chest like Arnold and shoulders that would scare little children haha. So what did I do? Upper body training, all day every day. . What was the result? A massively developed upper half sitting on top of toothpicks. Once I realized how unproportionate my body was, I was INSANELY self-conscious about my legs-especially in relation to my upper body. It didn’t help when all the “skipping leg day” memes hit IG 😂 . It wasn’t until about 3.5 years ago that I started training my legs and didn’t really get serious about it until about 2 years ago. This may seem like a long time, but in bodybuilding its not. It took me 10 years to build my upper body NATURALLY to its current state. It’s been a journey, but these wheels are finally starting to catch up to my upper half. . My tips on growing your legs as quickly as possible: . 1. Train them twice a week minimum. . 2. Volume! I prefer to get a minimum of 12 reps in, every single set. Minimum 4 sets per exercise. Ensure you are achieving hypertrophy. . 3. EAT! Get yourself in a caloric surplus every day. In other words, eat more calories than you burn. Of those calories, shoot for 1g of protein per pound of body weight. . 4. Maximize post-workout nutrition. Incorporate a high glycemic carb and hydrolyzed protein after every single workout. I’ve got you covered on this, just ask. . 5. Be patient. You will go months without seeing any noticeable changes. Remember though, this shit is science. Resistance tears the muscle. Nutrition builds the muscle back bigger. . 6. Stop comparing yourself to others! I took 6 photos of my legs last night. This was the best one and most flattering. I’m flexing my legs here. No one looks as good as they do online. Focus on you and no one else UNLESS you use that person as motivation. . Email me if you have any questions on my online training! . 📧 .

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